
Mechanical engineering | plant engineering

Module für Prozesse Abläufe Wertschöpfung

Modules for workflows processes value creation



Fact Sheet ams.erp ENGINEERING


Mechanical engineers and plant engineers handle capital-intensive orders with long lead times. At the beginning of the projects, there is generally only a rough estimate of how quickly and at what cost these orders can be implemented. A good instinct for what is achievable and a great deal of entrepreneurial spirit are invaluable in this regard. And, of course, a company-wide ERP system that links all commercial and technical data in real time, thus ensuring maximum process transparency. The necessary process transparency is provided by industry solution ams.erp ENGINEERING.


  • Strategic multi-project planning
  • Growing BOMs / integration of mechanical CAD / CAE / PDM
  • Detailed planning
  • Connection to the control centre
  • Subcontracting
  • Transparent dispatch procedures
  • Mobile order control
  • Document management using drag and drop
  • Creation of the technical order documentation
  • Simultaneous costing and controlling/BI
  • Servicing



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