
FMW Förderanlagen GmbH

FMW Förderanlagen GmbH
3062 Kirchstetten 100

T +43 2743 8245 0

Anwenderbericht FMW

Promoting process integration and value creation

FMW is an engineering company headquartered in Kirchstetten, Lower Austria, which specializes in the design of individual large-scale conveyor systems for the pulp, paper, energy and recycling industries. The range of services extends from consulting, planning, project management and assembly to after sales and maintenance. In order to make the best possible use of its expertise in these areas, the vast majority of production has been outsourced.

As a result of its previous affiliation with a larger group of companies, FMW had been using SAP ERP/R3 for a long time, even after it was separated from the group. However, in the form in which it had originally been implemented, it was unable to meet the special process requirements of plant engineering. As various adjustments did not result in any improvements, the decision was made in 2019 to implement the multi-project management software ams.erp, which is explicitly tailored to the requirements of batch size 1+. The aim of those responsible, led by managing directors Martin Größ, Felix Sorger and Franz Zeilinger, was to achieve significantly deeper process integration and thus relieve employees of administrative tasks in order to create more space for actual value creation.

For further information, visit:

ams.erp: die ERP-Lösung passgenau skalierbar modular

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