
Made-to-order material planning

With ams.erp, you can organize your planning according to your orders. It is able to accommodate purchased parts with and without item numbers as well as outsourcing, whether in respect of individual operations, entire parts and assemblies, or even production as a whole. Planners can use ams.erp to control complete or individual material staging parts. Staging parts can be managed by the customer, end customer or a third-party supplier. ams.erp provides all the necessary documents for this, such as issue lists, delivery notes and drawings.

In addition, ams.erp also supports the warehouse-based planning and procurement of standard items. It offers different planning methods for this, including demand-controlled procedures and Kanban. The system also supports deterministic planning, where multiple order requirements are combined in a single purchase order and then placed in the warehouse together. In this case, evaluation does not take place until stock issue. By grouping together PO processes, deterministic planning allows customers to leverage synergies and negotiate better conditions.

ams.erp supports working with a growing BOM. This means that time-critical purchased parts relating to an order can be requested and procured before the design phase. This ensures that planners and purchasers are able to adhere to their final deadlines even in the face of ever-decreasing order lead times prompted by increasing market requirements.

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