
SOMIC Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH

SOMIC Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG
Am Kroit 7
83123 Amerang
T +49 80 75 916 – 0
F +49 80 75 916 – 122

Sector: Packaging machines
Employees: over 200
ams users: 79

Somic controls its value creation process with the integrated order management system ams.erp.

Somic develops and manufactures customised end-of-line packaging systems. This is a complex project business with lead times of several months and high capital commitment. In order to manage the risks of its large orders, the medium-sized company has networked all work processes in an end-to-end order management system. The integration of external manufacturers and the exchange of data with product development is of particular importance. …

For further information, visit:

ams.erp: die ERP-Lösung passgenau skalierbar modular

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