
SCHWING Technologies GmbH

SCHWING Technologies GmbH
Oderstraße 7
47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn / Germany

T +49 2845 930 0

Sector: Plant engineering
Employees: 85
ams users: 40

Plant engineering company Schwing uses the integrated business software ams.erp to continuously advance its corporate development

The plant engineering company Schwing is a specialist in high-temperature systems. Its core business is the thermal cleaning of parts and tools used in plastics production. The family-owned company from the Lower Rhine area is considered the market leader worldwide. Irrespective of this, Schwing is continuously expanding into new areas of business. For example, the company has also been working as a development partner for industrial groups since 2014. This has resulted in significantly more complex and costly engineering projects. The central planning and management tool is the Enterprise Resource Planning solution ams.erp, which has been used throughout the company since 2011. …

For further information, visit:

ams.erp: die ERP-Lösung passgenau skalierbar modular

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