
Shopfitting | interior fitting | contract furniture

Module für Prozesse Abläufe Wertschöpfung

Modules for workflows processes value creation

Modern solutions for unique projects



ams.erp INTERIOR

Modern companies in the shopfitting, interior fitting and furniture manufacturing industries face a number of challenges: Sales orders are becoming more and more individual and short-term. At the same time, there are long procurement times, complex construction and production deadlines, simultaneous projects, and occasionally on-site assembly. Materials and working hours have to be calculated within a very short time, and the manual processes both in-house and at the customer site must be planned efficiently. The industry solution ams.erp INTERIOR provides complete transparency for successful project management.


  • GAEB import and export of data
    (GAEB81, GAEB82, GAEB83, GAEB84)
  • Strategic multi-project planning
  • Growing BOMs for wood assemblies, wood BOM
  • Detailed planning
  • Machine data connection
  • Subcontracting
  • Transparent dispatch procedures
  • Mobile construction management
  • Document management using drag and drop
  • Simultaneous costing / project controlling/BI
Client references


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