
Contract manufacturing

Module für Prozesse Abläufe Wertschöpfung

Modules for workflows processes value creation

More flexibility for agile order management


ams.erp INDUSTRY

Contract manufacturers are often the last to receive information in the planning chain. However, they are also the first to deliver. An obvious flaw. More often than not, the time buffers incorporated in the higher-level manufacturing projects have been entirely consumed by the time the orders are received by the contract manufacturer. In order for a contract manufacturer to fulfil his role effectively, he needs the greatest possible overview and maximum flexibility with regard to order management. ams.erp INDUSTRY is the perfect solution.


  • Product configurator (calculation)
  • Integration of mechanical CAD / CAE / PDM
  • Detailed planning
  • Connection to the control centre
  • Subcontracting
  • Transparent dispatch procedures
  • Document management using drag and drop
  • Simultaneous costing and controlling/BI
Client references


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