

Module für Prozesse Abläufe Wertschöpfung

Modules for workflows processes value creation

Experts in our field

Throughout the entire process chain – from drafting quotations, business processing and concurrent production through to final assembly and service – ams.erp considers total process transparency the key to success for make-to-order, assemble-to-order and variant manufacturers. After conducting a detailed analysis of the company and business processes of our customers, we are able to design customised solutions on the basis of our suite of modular solutions, which are tailored to the precise needs of the customer. And we are good at what we do. This is supported by the successful implementation of more than 1000 ERP solutions in mechanical engineering, plant engineering and apparatus engineeringpackaging machine manufacturingtool and mould constructionsteel, metal and turnkey constructionshipbuilding and the maritime industry, as well as in shopfitting and interior fittingspecial purpose vehicle construction and contract manufacturing.

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