
Shipbuilding | maritime industry

Module für Prozesse Abläufe Wertschöpfung

Modules for workflows processes value creation

Steering safely in custom-made shipbuilding


ams.erp MARITIME

Specialised ships and high-quality passenger ships are the core business of the local shipbuilding industry. The heavily export-oriented portfolio mainly includes mega yachts and cruise ships as well as RORO, offshore, government and naval vessels. Although the uses of the vessels may be very different, they all require extraordinarily complex project management during the construction process. Every job is different. The market success of a shipyard therefore depends very much on the sophistication of the order management system. The necessary process transparency is provided by ams.erp MARITIME.


  • Strategic multi-project planning
  • Growing BOMs / integration of mechanical CAD / CAE / PDM
  • Detailed planning
  • Connection to the control centre
  • Subcontracting
  • Mobile order control
  • Document management using drag and drop
  • Creation of the technical order documentation
  • Simultaneous costing and controlling/BI
  • Servicing / repairs
Client references


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