
aalcon Konstruktions-GmbH

aalcon Konstruktions-GmbH
Felix-Wankel-Straße 8
73431 Aalen

T +49 7361 78094 0
F +49 7361 78094 20


Anwenderbericht aalcon

Cleanly designed and cleanly calculated

As a system supplier for special machines, special systems and special equipment, aalcon Konstruktions-GmbH offers its customers a complete service portfolio, ranging from conception and design to development, realization and certification through to commissioning and after sales. The customers of the precision products, among them well-known companies from the fields of semiconductor technology, packaging technology and plastics processing, value the reliable order processing of the Swabian company. In spring of 2018, company founder and Managing Director Markus Starz initiated the steps to implement an integrated business software in order to prepare for a considerable increase in orders and simultaneous employee growth. His aim was to generate valid key figures in real time for a comprehensive overview of the company. The choice fell on the multi-project management ERP system ams.erp, which is specially tailored to the needs of individual, contract and variant manufacturers.

For further information, visit:

ams.erp: die ERP-Lösung passgenau skalierbar modular

Mit besten Empfehlungen


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