
KNIELE Baumaschinen GmbH

KNIELE Baumaschinen GmbH
Gemeindebeunden 6
D-88422 Bad Buchau
T + 49 7582 9303-0
F + 49 7582 9303-30

Sector: Mechanical and plant engineering
Employees: 27
ams users: 12

KNIELE Mischtechnik networks its work processes using the integrated order management solution ams.erp

Can a 27-strong family business produce turnkey mixing equipment worldwide? Equipment that costs up to EUR 2 million and requires delivery times of up to 12 months? It certainly can. KNIELE Mischtechnik, special machine manufacturer from the Upper Swabian town of Bad Buchau, has been doing exactly that since 1991. Thanks to innovative engineering services, KNIELE has taken its place at the forefront of a diverse range of application fields. Particularly in the building materials industry, where processing of high-quality concretes is required. To fully leverage its strengths in development, production and delivery, the company has integrated its processes into a project-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution …

For further information, visit:

ams.erp: die ERP-Lösung passgenau skalierbar modular

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