
Paul Köster GmbH

Paul Köster GmbH
Kolpingstr. 1
59964 Medebach
T +49 2982 9211-0

Automotive specialist Paul Köster has a reliable base for future planning with ams.erp

From a handicraft business to a globally sought-after equipment manufacturer in just two decades – family business Paul Köster proves it can be done. With tailor-made leak testing machines, assembly lines and production lines, the Westphalian make-to-order manufacturer has made a name for itself in the automotive industry in particular. In order to manage its capital-intensive projects economically, Paul Köster needs complete visibility of all information that arises in the course of order processing. ams.erp provides the perfect infrastructure: The ERP system, which is designed specifically for make-to-order manufacturing, assemble-to-order manufacturing and variant manufacturing, synchronises all technical and commercial information in real time. Thanks to this information, Paul Köster is able to complete its increasingly complex customer orders on time and at the best possible cost. In addition, managers receive reliable information to assess the capacity and liquidity situation of the entire company and to manage change with foresight. …

For further information, visit:

ams.erp: die ERP-Lösung passgenau skalierbar modular

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