
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH

M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH
Rehhecke 79
40885 Ratingen
T + 49 (21 02) 935-0
F + 49 (21 02) 935-111

Sector: Measurement and analysis technology
Employees: 150
ams users: 35

Job lot and make-to-order manufacturer M&C TechGroup uses cross-location order management system to tap into international markets.

Growth in environmental technology is continuing unabated. Since the start of this boom – which incidentally had its origins in Germany – more and more foreign markets are now joining in. The job-lot and make-to-order manufacturer M&C TechGroup, which specialises in gas analysis, is benefiting from this development. As a mid-sized company based in Ratingen, Germany, M&C operates globally as both a system supplier and a provider of complete solutions. However, the strong increase in international business also brings with it increased requirements regarding transparent organisation of its business processes. To handle the growing complexity, M&C introduced the ams.erp order management system and linked all business processes across locations. …

For further information, visit:

ams.erp: die ERP-Lösung passgenau skalierbar modular

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