
Stickel GmbH

Stickel GmbH
Porschestraße 2
74369 Löchgau
T ++49 (0) 7143 / 8851-0
F ++49 (0) 7143 / 8851-20

Sector: Tool design and construction
Employees: 90
ams users: 30

Automotive supplier Stickel switches to the integrated order management system ams.erp in order to achieve complete control of its projects

From body repair shop to one of the leading prototype suppliers in just two decades. Family-owned Stickel shows us how it’s done. Thanks to its ability to solve problems, the Swabian mid-sized company is one of the first ports of call when car companies such as Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche or Volkswagen need exacting formed sheet metal parts for their prototypes and test vehicles. A complex business producing small volume products. In order to operate economically, Stickel has replaced its old ERP solution with the project-oriented order management system ams.erp. The new software solution allows Stickel to implement projects with constantly changing customer requirements in the shortest possible time. The solution also enabled the supplier to network all business units and departments in one integrated information system …

For further information, visit:

ams.erp: die ERP-Lösung passgenau skalierbar modular

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