POB 2064
49470 Ibbenbüren-Laggenbeck
T +49 5451 85 – 0
F +49 5451 85 – 310

Sector: Mechanical and plant engineering
Employees: 489 (1400 in the group of companies)
ams users: 155

Integrating concurrent project design work with order management provides long-established brickwork equipment manufacturer Keller HCW with the reliable information it needs to organise its complex construction projects with confidence.

Keller HCW is a world-leading mechanical and plant engineering company within the heavy ceramics industry. For over 100 years, the company from Ibbenbüren has developed and manufactured industrial brickworks, which it fits out with the required manufacturing and materials handling equipment. These construction projects are completed on a purely customer-specific basis and exhibit a high degree of complexity. For large-scale projects, the number of active suppliers can often run to more than 500 companies, both within Germany and abroad. The development, construction and commissioning of an entire brick-making plant can take up to eighteen months on average and involves seven to eight-figure euro investment sums.

To make planning more reliable and forward-looking, Keller HCW introduced an order management system in 2008. This system revolves around order BOMs that precisely mirror the progress of concurrent project development work and that automatically notify the other departments of any ensuing requirements….

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