
Stahlbau Oberlausitz GmbH

Stahlbau Oberlausitz GmbH
Nordstraße 1a
02727 Neugersdorf
T +49 3586 78 05 0
F +49 3586 78 05 30

Sector: Steel structural engineering
Employees: 155
ams users: 33

Steel construction company Stahlbau Oberlausitz controls complex construction projects with integrated order management system ams.erp

Stahlbau Oberlausitz is a specialist in customised steel structural engineering. A good 80 percent of the structures are intended for the energy sector. The remaining 20 percent are used in industrial construction. With a total tonnage of around 6500 tonnes, the annual output is divided into up to 400 large-scale orders for engineering, construction and assembly services as well as a similar number of simple product deliveries. To complete each of these projects on budget and on schedule, Stahlbau Oberlausitz uses the integrated order management system ams.erp…

For further information, visit:

ams.erp: die ERP-Lösung passgenau skalierbar modular

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