
Rheinmetall Chempro GmbH

Rheinmetall Chempro GmbH
Pützchens Chaussee 58a
D-53227 Bonn
T +49 228 9750-3
T +49 228 9750-480

Sector: Passive protection systems
Employees: 120
ams users: 30

Protection specialist Rheinmetall Chempro optimises its process organisation with integrated order management

Rheinmetall Chempro is one of the leading providers worldwide of passive protection systems for armoured vehicles. Since its establishment in 1991, the company has equipped more than 30,000 wheeled and tracked vehicles. Rheinmetall Chempro repeatedly proved its ability to execute customised orders in good time. “For our customers who are in operational areas and require a protection solution, we need to be able to deliver on a concept at short notice. The reaction time is vital here, explains Rainer Topf, Sales Coordinator for passive protection systems. In view of development cycles, which particularly in the defence industry can stretch over considerable periods, faster implementation is an important feature that differentiates us from competitors. As military interventions by the international community in the crisis regions of the world are continuing to increase and the relevant threat scenarios are changing with increasing frequency, Rheinmetall Chempro views itself as well positioned for the new challenges. …

For further information, visit:

ams.erp: die ERP-Lösung passgenau skalierbar modular

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