
Faschang Werkzeugbau GmbH

Faschang Werkzeugbau GmbH
Pirath 12
A-4952 Weng im Innkreis
T +43 7723 42786 10

Sector: Tool design and construction
Employees: 120
ams users: 32

Faschang Werkzeugbau organises its diverse project business with a company-wide order management system

The company has grown from a one-man operation to a 100-strong production specialist in less than 30 years. As a resourceful solution provider, Faschang Werkzeugbau has made a name for itself in precision engineering as well as in fixture and fittings design and precision engineering. The versatile portfolio results in a wide range of different development and production orders that need to be managed economically. In order to gain the required transparency, the Upper Austrian contract manufacturer has introduced the integrated order management system ams.erp throughout the company.

For further information, visit:

ams.erp: die ERP-Lösung passgenau skalierbar modular

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